PasifikaTV is officially launched as a content provision service to our broadcasting partners across the Pacific. The content is provided to PasifikaTV from rightsholders in New Zealand and overseas including TVNZ, Sky Television, and MediaWorks (now Discovery).
These rights holders, and more, provide content to PasifikaTV enabling us to deliver sport, news, current affairs, documentaries, children’s shows, and entertainment programmes to free-to-air channels across the region.
In the first year of PasifikaTV’s operation, 22 broadcasters from 11 countries were brought onboard:
- PCSTV, American Samoa
- Araura TV, Cook Islands
- CITV, Cook Islands
- Mangaia TV, Cook Islands
- Vaka TV, Cook Islands
- FBC, Fiji
- Fiji TV, Fiji
- Mai TV, Fiji
- Nauru TV, Nauru
- BCN, Niue
- Palau TV, Palau
- EMTV, Papua New Guinea
- NBC, Papua New Guinea
- Click TV, Papua New Guinea
- TVWAN, Papua New Guinea
- Samoa TV3, Samoa
- SBC-TV1, Samoa
- EFKS-TV2, Samoa
- TTV, Solomon Islands
- TBC, Tonga
- TVWAN, Tonga
- VBTC, Vanuatu
In the first year of operation, PasifikaTV delivered an average of 37 hours of content per week, up from 11 hours per week prior to handover of the service from TVNZ.