“Amidst the demands of national efforts focused on economic recovery and resilience strengthening, we’re pleased to have reached an agreement and welcome Japan’s abiding commitment to support our regional endeavors as articulated in the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent,” said Secretary Herrmann. “Subject to the consideration of Leaders, we have committed to work in close collaboration over the next three years across seven priority areas including Political Leadership and Regionalism, People-Centered Development, Peace and Security, Resource and Economic Development, Climate Change and Disasters, Ocean and Environment, and Technology and Connectivity.”
Negotiations have been underway since the conclusion of the 5th Ministerial Interim Meeting of the Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM) held in Suva in February and have been led by Mr. Toshihisa Takata, Japan’s Ambassador to the Pacific Islands Forum, and Cook Islands Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Tepaeru Herrmann on behalf of the Pacific Islands Forum. With the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat supporting Forum members, negotiations have been held in person in Suva and Tokyo as well as in a hybrid format. Senior officials have worked to reach an agreement on priority areas for future cooperation between Japan and the Pacific Islands Forum and the joint actions to be undertaken over the next three years to better support the Pacific Leaders’ vision for a resilient region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion, and prosperity that ensures all Pacific peoples can lead free, healthy, and productive lives.
“The negotiation process we’ve just come through, converging consensus within our Forum and reaching an agreement with Japan, speaks to the strength and unity within our Pacific Islands Forum and our recognition of the value of collective action in the interests of our Pacific people. While national sovereignty is of utmost importance to each of our eighteen Forum members, the cornerstone of our Forum has been the acceptance that when we act as a collective, we are an influential bloc on the international stage and we can bring about significant outcomes in the interests of our people. We look forward to continuing to work closely with Ambassador Takata and Japanese counterparts in the coming months to bring to fruition our shared aspirations as detailed in the PALM10 Declaration and the Joint Action Plan.”
Forum Chair and Prime Minister of the Cook Islands, the Hon. Mark Brown, will co-chair this morning’s PALM10 Leaders Summit with Prime Minister of Japan, the Hon. Fumio Kishida.
Queries regarding this media release can be directed to MFAImedia@cookislands.gov.ck
Source and photo credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Immigration, Cook Islands