Group shot at the PWNAVAW meeting in Fiji [Source: Fiji One News]
Representatives of 13 crisis centres who are members of the Pacific Women’s Network Against Violence Against Women (PWNAVAW) have converged in Fiji this week to discuss the roll-out of the Gender-Based Violence Counsellor Training Package for the Pacific.
Organised in partnership with the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre (FWCC) and the UN Women Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO), through the Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women (Pacific Partnership), funded primarily by the European Union, and the Governments of Australia and New Zealand, and UN Women, this three-day meeting of Pacific experts will see the continuation of decades-long progress led by the crisis centres towards standardising best practice approaches to gender-based violence counselling in the Pacific….
The full story can be found at Fiji One News, along with other stories from Fiji and around the Pacific.