Dalton Tagelagi forms Niue’s first gender-balanced Cabinet

Niue's new Cabinet 2023. Photo: Television Niue

Two female ministers have been announced in Niue’s Cabinet for the first time in the nations history.

Dalton Tagelagi, who has just been re-elected as Premier, has announced the line-up last Friday, which is now the first gender balanced Cabinet for the island nation.

According to Niue Broadcasting Corperation, Tagelagi has retained his ministers Crossley Tatui and Esa Mona Sharon Ainuu and has appointed common roll member Sonya Talagi to his Cabinet.

New minister Talagi will be responsible for the Ministry of Social Services with Justice, Lands and Surveys and Community Services, Taoga Niue, Health and Education.

A ceremony was held inside the Fono Ekepule Chambers where the Speaker Hima Douglas administered the oath for the three ministers.

There is no oath for the Members Assisting the Minister (MAM) but the four MAMs were acknowledged by the Speaker in their roles as prescribed in the Civil List Act.

Premier Dalton Tagelagi holds the largest number of portfolios and will be assisted by Common Roll member and member assisting the minister Sinahemana Hekau.

“This is the first time in the history of the Niue government that there are an equal number of male and female members in Cabinet. Three members of this Tagelagi Cabinet are brand new MPs, all Common Roll members elected last Saturday,” according to Television Niue.

The State Opening of the 18th Fono Ekepule will take place on Monday May 15 at 9.30am (Tuesday NZ time).

“Premier Dalton Tagelagi is expected to deliver his national address to the nation and the new members will be given the opportunity to deliver their maiden speeches,” TV Niue added.

Source: RNZ